One of the most significant UFO events in history – Travis Walton’s 1975 UFO experience comes alive in this 90-minute informative film. His trauma and transition after a mysterious beam of light strikes him unconscious.
Movies, Westerns, Rap Movies ,Free Music & More."Stay Where Every Story Matters."
One of the most significant UFO events in history – Travis Walton’s 1975 UFO experience comes alive in this 90-minute informative film. His trauma and transition after a mysterious beam of light strikes him unconscious.
They lied actually, the ones in the truck did at least. All the others are telling the truth because they believe in what they are saying . It's too bad they are believing in a lie. And all these so called experts on UFOs who have put so many years supporting his story have too much invested now to admit it's Bs. These men were about to be in trouble on a million dollar logging contract they couldn't fulfill, and made this up. Who ever would make a career out of a traumatic experience? Oh yeah by the way they dropped him off a week later butt naked in next town with a dime to make a phone call at the phone booth. Oh yeah lol ok
So fake im sorry i do believe kust never in this story and im very intuitive
Best story for everyone on a logging contract to not want to return to the forest to fulfill it. its a crime scene now….. it's too traumatic lol
It was probably the CIA.
Sooooo aliens are ONLY interested in the North America???? Riiiiiight.
This has been one THE best documentary type videos I have ever watched. Very well made and edited.
Didn’t his friends come out and admit it was all a hoax and now he’s done talking about it all a sudden?
Love and peace to all those who lost someone to this tragic accident.
Tell your family and friends you love them, even if it feels weird at first. It might be your last chance. Spread love, its free.
UFOs. Lol!!!!!! Koo koo!!!
They pick mostly rednecks because they're normally or generally more isolated than other types or demographics
I believe Travis
RIP Stanton Friedman July 29, 1934 – May 13, 2019
As usual!! No pruf!! Everyone has a reason to make stories up. And also big foot , we would have found Bones years ago, and the population of big footys!! Would never have been able to keep going on .all the story's that are made have lots of questionable problems with them. Bigfoot, aliens, Sea monsters , is fun for movies.
I also was abducted, and I believe everything he says. I was taken multiple times and one time I had a device implanted in my body like an rfid chip, and while I was at work inside the metal building it would move constantly, and would very hot. As soon as I walked out ofthe building it would stop moving. I went to a church and the people prayed for me, and laid hands on me and it was GONE! I went through some crazy stuff back then, very scary things. God said that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony. When I tell people about my experiences they think I'm lying about all of it. One morning, I woke up and by the time I got to work I started feeling like there was pasty stuff in my mouth, and when I swallowed I could feel it going down my throat. By that evening my tongue felt like it had been scalded! It burned so bad! The next day I felt like there were microscopic string like things on my tongue, and I could feel them in my throat when I swallowed, but I couldn't see anything with my naked eye! There was so much going i really can't remember the order it happened in. I didn't know what was happening, because I kept losing "time" and even after that, I have been seeing UFOs, even up to this very day. But the night I found out what was going on, I was in my bedroom and was leaning against the headboard, with my legs stretched out, watching a movie. Suddenly I saw a bright red light on my lower part of my legs that looked exactly like the cross hair on an x-ray machine and it was moving upwards. I got up and ran! They can take you right through the ceiling somehow! They are keeping track of me. There's one that shows across the field from my front door! I can see it from inside my house. It's like a really bright light and it shows up ever evening at dark. It'll still for a long while then it will start to lower until it disappears. I've been seeing it for about a year now.
No one can say it did not happen unless they were there ✌🏼
Considering the truths coming out right now about Unidentified Objects this should make everyone terrified about what’s really out there.
notice the difference in their agility, enthusiasm, energy, appearance and cognitive ability….. A new and improved Travis was returned.
Maybe that’s why they abducted him in the first place. He’s a good man of high character.
Ppl under mind control believe they've been abducted
I believe in God and the Bible so I just wonder what were these things? Demons or maybe A life form that was around before noah and the flood? I don't believe it was aliens from outer space.Because I don't believe in outer space. It had to be something god created.
🎶 " space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement "🎶
Ive seen some weird shit, i believe this story.
Did they mention anything about any blood tests or medical examinations to see if he had a cardiac arrest or if there was anything foreign inserted into his body???!
I’ve always believed aliens are our friends
Dec 3rd, 2024 3:59am
There’s so much that can be believed during these evil and wicked times.
Luke 12:2
But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.
Eph 5:11–
Do not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;
for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.
But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
This "Fleece" character is admittedly an " ANAL warrior" – A warrior for
"Fleece" means stealing.
I don't care what his real name
is . "Fleecing Anuses" is more
than enough.