
Academy trophy® Nominee For Best Makeup & Hairstyling. place during the Yom Kippur War, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (Helen Mirren) must navigate overwhelming odds, a skeptical cabinet and a complex relationship with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (Liev Schreiber) with millions of lives in the balance. Her tough leadership and compassion ultimately decide the fate of her nation.


38 thoughts on “Golda

  1. I generally love movies about Israel. "A woman called Golda" with Ingrid Bergman was one of the best.

    In this movie, Helen Mirren did a great job playing Golda Meir, but overall, this was a horrible movie. Boring as hell. I feel like I wasted my four bucks on it. I would not watch it again, nor recommend it to anyone.

  2. I apologize of the contribution i have made paying for this absolute discrimination of my people. My God please bless israel with just a peace of mind, may you bless our people with bloodless land, with hate-less neighbors and may you bless children’s bearing their parents and not the opposite. Happy PURIM my beloved israel!

  3. Then to prove my point of this being a Jewish hating brainwashing machine is look at the profile of every and each main and stands actors… all extremely represent the hateful caricaturists invented back in world war 1+2 plus all events leading so… such as inquisition , Spain Jew transfer and Massacre, which hunters, and the sadomasochist actions… it is a very enchant hate builder slowly and accumulated with generation development (the very own developers) so all I can give are. -5 stars for the subtext and the point view which leads to wrongful projection of my people, whom a huge percentage of us, just want to leave normal lives, when parents don’t need to bear their children’s, where we can just be, without hate surrounding us all over, above and beyond. This has being enough.

  4. I honestly cannot continually watch this movie without feeling fallen advertised, even photoshopped to the very eyes of our reaches hate sponsors. I would absolutely band this movie until it is properly described as just another movie, written by the imaging of its writer, it should not be called GOLDA, or be considered as a biographical/ history of events. It is absolutely altered to a very negative, brain washing pickle factory, a vision of one very EREV RAV against everything the people of my nation… this is a mirroring of the black mirror, the image of our destroyers, which are so minimal in numbers, yet somehow extremely powerful in all communication media’s and campaign to PRO anything as long as it will destroy israel

  5. I must ask about the typer machine which is typing nothing but random upside Hebrew letters… this seems like an ancient accounting recipe typer, not something to be used at the prime minister office unless there is a opposition to be referred. All it dose in my eyes is picturing our leaders as many spending machines fro the very beginning of our existence… cant you just stop this madness and take us seriously. Don’t you want your children’s to learn the good things our past actions created, so we can have on going motivation to do so?

  6. I’m not a hippie! All i ask is for the facts to be presented excluded of any political agendas on views… unless u give the movie a different name, or atlist a description which will expel so, or avoide any connection to the reality! You cannot make a documentary from a 1 point of view, then it is not a documentary but a point of view!

  7. So the LOD airport was an event which accursed on may 30th 1972 by Japanese pro Palestine liberation of a terrorists recognized organization… yet you use the name of this bloody event assuming anyone will interprets it… what good is this for us? Why are you naming everything wrongfully for our very own existence? Someone might though it was a good was to interpreted the memorial of this event, but all it is just adding to the United-numerous events accuracies against us… instead of prioritizing acts of those against us, try prioritizing the heroism of our people! Let’s not be a victim of hate, but heroes of love to our land and its peeps!

  8. ‘Israel claimed Golan nights? Israel claimed Sinai? No we haven’t we have proudly concord those wining a war! Are Mexican acting against USA for “claiming” any of the land? Are Mexican act in terror against the boarders? No they simply accept history and fight against lawful rights, they don’t send their kids to die so they can kill a couple Americans, they love their life and their kids more then they love killing Jews!

  9. ‘’More then 4000 Palestinians” how about more then…. Israel Ian’s has been killed… kidnapped and refuses to be a refugees in their very own land? How about the movie industry start support its own people before feeling sorry for terrorist thief’s? How about showing the horror in our very own land instead of showing fake horror of another nation refugees whom see our land as their own? How about showing the triangle surrounded by enemies whom only wish is to delete Zion(israel) the promised land of its owners for eternity? Why are you doing more damage then there is already exist? Why? Don’t you want your children’s to be free of memorials? Don’t you wish our next generation to actually exist without a question? Don’t you want your children’s to belong on that tiny piece of land sponged with enough blood already? Don’t you?

  10. One very disturbing thing is all the “news letter quotation” in the very beginning drawing us in to the very image of our haters… please explained each and every quote… unless you should put a note in the beginning of the movie stating if this is based on a true story; or it is a biographical documentary, and if so please explained who, when, and what have happened with dates… otherwise it is another help to the remarkable abstract of ISRAEL… the tiny crazy triangle on the

  11. I am only trying to be healpfull…. please don’t take this in a wrong way… i love my country, I love my history, but lets tell it properly… lets not make people hate us more just because they simply don’t understand anything about us… while all our haters have images…(תמונה 1=אלף מילים)
    Show some pictures too… to those whom minds are still controlled by the DEVILL’S

  12. Ok so I’ve got this… think about the GOD Father movie… you have this completely strange cultural Italian mafia going on… they have the mimicking, the accent, and many slangs… yes the very fundamental of the conversation is understandable without knowledge of the Jewish heritage (Kippuur—- try “the you kippure and give an example of what it is so that people outside of the culture can relate, or atlist know what TF you are talking about without googling every minute…

  13. I actually think you should make sure this is addresses any one whom seeking a bit of knowledge about our magnificent unreal, but very real history… don’t use language that anyone can just interpreted, but a language that can not be debated so that the story is clear as it was as a documentation of history with facts, reality sells best. Also this will help removing roughly dirtied conspiracies made by the very one’d whom we are still fighting… “the nation of endless massacred refugees” (GAZAN’s- ill give them the name of the land they are on… historically documented…)other then that anyone whom debate israel should learn what it is you are actually saying here

  14. Ok i understand now, you made a Hebrew movie and literal translation is the language, unfortunately it is not good, because the accent and the misinterpreted slangs… for example around the end of minute 7th Golda is saying Dian Support with a British slang of Dian(Moshe) but a first gloms of my brain was princess Diana then i lost focus thinking with wasn’t is 1973? Do not assume people just know our history… unless it is the only crowd you are aiming for

  15. Same thing with mossad! I know what it is but don’t assume anyone knows… please make sure you provide information needed for people to understand the basic of the Jewish land beginning, and most importantly for the future and current generations… if you give them this information they will have more curiosity to go and investigate. It is very crucial for HASBARA הסברה

  16. Also he use of a word such as hubris which was only proper during the late -end of 1980 makes no sense in the beginning of a movie documenting beginning of 1970 era… choose a different word… Hubies maybe what you meant… מרכז גרופיז if that’s was the meaning, if not please advise

  17. I am just on minute 6 and i cant understand why Golda is swearing right before Granat starting? Where the entire judges catholic?? British? This makes absolute no sense but yet i was never involved within Jewish Israeli court… yet it is forbidden to swear in Jewish religion therefor i find it odd to have prime minister swearing over the new testimony… was golda not Jewish?

  18. Do people know that Golda was born in the Ukraine but her family moved to Milwaukee Wisconsin USA at 7 years old she moved to Israel/Palestine at the the age of 23.

    So, in essence she was raised in the USA, I didn't know that, I thought she was straight out of Eastern Europe….but she comes from the Midwest USA.

  19. This woman in an interview with ABC TV said Palestinians should move to Jordan. Jews from Europe and middle East came to Israel, occuped Palestinian land, and she wants the local people to leave their ancestral homes? Now in 2023 Israel is engaged in a genocide of Palestinians.

  20. بريطانيا وهبت مالا تملك لمن لايستحق
    ماذنب عرب فلسطين ان تسلب ارضهم وتعطى تعويضا عما لحق بهم من فعل اثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية؟؟؟؟ عن اي ارض تتحدثون وعن اي ملك تتوهمون
    عاشت فلسطين حُرة عربية

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